Sexual Enjoyment



The term sexual enjoyment evokes a sense of irritation and vulgarity among the mass as they treat it as a tabooed or to be specific a despicable topic to ever raise in a gathering. This happens because most of the people are ignorant about the actual meaning of the word sexual enjoyment And those who know or want to know its meanings are very few in number or by the time the eagerness grows they actually happen to have lost their sexual ability. Moreover the youth who actually show interest in the topic lack important information and even if they are able to collect the information's they are unable practically imply them as there is no proper guidance for them. Hence it becomes difficult for one to achieve a proficiency in it and to procure benefits from it.

Hence people start using different types of artificial methods, medicines, and supplements to enjoy their sexual life, but still they do not get the result that they want. This is because there is a lot of difference between walking on your own and walking with the help of a staff. And when people realize their disability they lose various mental and physical well being and lost their state of complete well being. It becomes difficult to face ones own self. Slowly sexual enjoyment gets lost from is life. This happens when a person thinks that as he is unable to perform well in his sexual life, to have a healthy living, he has to practice restrain from the former one. But this further deteriorates the situation as he forgets running away from the situation does not help us to solve our problem. As a result he starts to suffer from a kind of mental anxiety, the treatment of which is still unknown to our medical science. He tries to console his heart by saying that everyone cannot do anything. And thinks that though he is disabled in this field he may be proficient in many other things or else he can use artificial supplements to substitute sexual enjoyment and hide his disability. So these only are so called treatments of improper sexual enjoyment with which we are so satisfied. But with the supplements these disabilities become permanent.

But we have to know that what actually are remedies to enjoy the sexual life ?

To have proper sexual enjoyment the first requirement is to have well built body and to have a well built body we also need to have a proper mental farm e. Hence to have sex both mind and body are equally important and so one have to acquire proper Gyan-

Therefore the two important features are :-

1) Body

2) Gyan

Moreover Body can be divided into two parts mental and physical.

Mental :-

The mental part is relevant to the mind. The mind is a great complicated part but to say it a more simplified way we need specific spiritual help of Pranayams. Pranayams not only help us to control our mind but also to solve physical problems. Therefore Pranayams are always compulsory.

The main obstruction in Bhog are our senses which compel us from reaching the extreme limit of Bhog. Therefore we have to conquer the senses with our mental power and our mind shall be controlled by our senses.

Physical :-

We always need a healthy and well built body for sexual enjoyment. Therefore we have to create a well built body. And to create a well built, healthy and flexible body we need the support of Pranayams, Yogasanas and Exercises, so we that we can have complete sexual enjoyment. Moreover, we also need some basic knowledge about the body, as I have earlier said without knowledge nothing is possible